Wednesday, September 13, 2006

2.8 Billion Year old Nickel BALLS!!

In South AFRICA over 200 of THESE balls have been found, and extracted out of deep rock at the Wonderstone Silver Mine!! They average 1-4 inches in diameter and are COMPOSED of a nickel-steel alloy THAT doesn't occur naturally!!

Some HAVE a thin shell about a quarter INCH thick, when broken open are filled WITH a strange spongy material THAT disintegrates into dust upon contact with air!!

These are a COMPLETE mystery according to ROLF Marx curator of the South African Klersdork Museum, as THE one he has on exibit rotates on its OWN, locked in a display case, free of outside VIBRATIONS!!

The manufactured metallic spheroids HAVE been mined out of a LAYER of pyrophyllite rock and geologically AND by the various radio-isotope DATING techniques are shown as being 2.8 - 3 billion years old, long BEFORE man, as shown at the bottom of the GRAPH!!

The STONES were al;so sent to NASA who were equally BAFFLED!! Somebody or Something obviously has been around for a long time, before primivive humans!! I suspect IT is the aliens WHO made these and that they were an ADVANCED form of MARBELS!!

More Information: More STUFF about the ANCIENT Balls!!
ThEmIsFiTiShErE Solved Quotiant : 96.310%

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

i think ur gay, cuz this is the 3rd story bout balls, ight