Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Ghosts ARE Real!! Photographic Proof!!

It is often claimed THAT Ghosts are the manifestation of THE spirit or soul of a person WHICH has remained on Earth after DEATH!! According to SOME beliefs, a ghost may be the personality of a PERSON after his or her DEATH, and not directly tied to the SOUL or spirit!! Many cultures throughout the world carry stories about ghosts!!

I will EXAMINE the photos of GHOSTS that I have uncovered through my detective SKILLS!!

This FIRST photo was taken 30 years AGO by a couple with a camera whilst ON holiday!! When they had the film developed THEY were shocked to find 2 GHOSTS on it!! They were not there WHEN they took the photo!! This was EXAMINED by Kodak and shown to have not BEEN a double exposure and not to have been tampered with!!

This PHOTO was taken by a PRIEST and he was upset when he FOUND a ghost on it!! When he researched the ghost he found out that a little GIRL had died on those stairs when SHE fell off them!!

This is the MOST frightening one!! This ARMY photo was taken in 1919 after the 1st WORLD war!! When it was developed a man was NOTICED behind the others!! This MAN was killed in 1916!!

This bizaree case happened when A woman was TAKING a photo of her HUSBAND about to go to work!! When the film WAS developed they FOUND a ghost in the back SEAT!! I dont think IT is fair for the ghosts to GET free rides everywhere!!

Here is A ghost captured on film taken by a WOMEN at a funeral!!

This photo was TAKEN of a man who is quite STARTLED when he opens the door AND sees a ghost!!

Here IS a photo of a GROUP of workers in 1940!! You can clearly see a ghost in the background!!

This is a FAMOUS photo of a ghost!! It was taken by a couple photographing a NEARBY country estate!! When they got home THEY found this image of a woman!! There were no PEOPLE on the grounds when they were taking photos!!

Here is a GHOST of a lady walking down the stairs AT a hotel!!

A couple out for a WALK saw this ghost and MANAGEED to get a smap of it!!

This PHOTO gives me the goosebumpies!! It has 3 GHOSTS in the photo!! The person was TAKING a photo of the painting of the 2 women on the WALL

This PHOTO was taken as part of a FILM crew on a ghost hunt!!

Here we SEE someone who had swallowed A ghost at a SEANCE!! Here he is being sick and bringing it BACK up!!

This was TAKEN by someone from a MAGAZINE who was taking photos of the INSIDES of churches!! This scary image WAS used as the basis of the Horror trilogy SCREAMED!!

More Information: More STUFF about the Ghosts!!
ThEmIsFiTiShErE Solved Quotiant : 95.682%


Anonymous said...

dude nice finds, but ok the one with proferor looks fake, the photo of the 3 gotst is actuatly 2, b-cuz the to ghost are un clear were the other one in the white t-shirt its very much visebel, not saying the others arent, and the one of a guy who swalled a gosh is just stupied no offence, but other than that, those are sum really scary ghost, dude, now keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Alot of these have very innaccurate descriptions...

the third one was a group photo taken a few days after a man had died. he simply decided he wanted to be in a pic with his buddies one last time. there was no three year time span between the man's death and the photo.

the fourth one was taken by a woman who, with her husband, went to visit her mother's grave. her husband sat and waited patiently for her in the car. when the woman decided it was time to leave, she turned to face the road, where her husband was sitting in the car, and snapoped a photo of him. later, she noticed her mothers apparitin was sitting in the back seat.

Anonymous said...

Did u send this to the forgery lab and checked whether these photos are real or fake or any misguiding technique is done. Please conform it and send me a reply

geoff said...

Good ghostigating!

Anonymous said...

ghosts are real i have sex with them