Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What HAPPEND at Roswell!!

In the FIRST week of July 1947, SHEEP rancher William Brazil discovered a large amount of VERY Shiney debris scattered widely over his ranch ABOUT 75 miles northwest of Roswell!! He was VERY upset and ANNOYED at this so he REPORTED it to his sheriff George M. Wilcox!! The Sheriff thought IT was strange so HE reported it the LOCAL airbase Colonel, Colonel Willaim Blancar!! He then SENT the poor Intelligence OFFICER Major Jesse Marcell to INVESTIGATE!! Marcell DID not know what the STUFF was and took it HOME to show his son and to let his SON keep some!!

The NEXT day the over Super excited COLONEL releashed a press statement THAT they had recovered a FLYING DISK!!

Within an hour of THIS release, the head of the Ninth Air Force in FORT Worthless, Texas, Brigadier General Roger Ramon, BEGAN changing the story!!The object retrieved WAS now a weather baloon!!

The POWER crazed Brigadier then FORCED poor Marcell to CHANGE his story and made HIM sit in front of SOME fake weather BALLON debris!!

In one OF the photos THE scared Brigadiar Ramon forgot that HE had a KEY piece of PAPER in his had!!This PROVED that they were "NOT ALONE"!!

Some PHOTOS were taken of the DEBRIS but this was never reported!! They do NOT look like debris from a WEATHER balloon or TO be honest any sort of balloon!!

Here is an ARTISTS impression of the CRASH and the clumsy alien DRIVER!!

A number of other WITNESSES say thay they SAW bodies of aliens AND that 1 of them REMAINED alive for over a YEAR!! The PHOTOS below are AN artists impression of THE Alien that was kept alive for A year!!The OTHER is an actual PHOTO of one of the DEAD Aliens!!

The naughty GOVERNMENT later tried to tell PEOPLE that what they had seen Were crash TEST Dummies!!

One of the MEN in charge James Forrestal VISITED the live ALIEN!! 5 DAYS later Forrestal resigned DUE to a "mental breakdown" and CHECKED into the Bethesda Naval Hospital!! In the early morning hours the NEXT day, his body was found on a third-floor roof BELOW the 16th-floor kitchen across the HALL from his room!! A suicide NOTE was found but WAS later proven TO be a forgery!!

It IS my conclusion THAT a UFO did crash into Roswell and the GOVERNMENT knows about this!! They have the DISK and bodies in Area 52 in Hanger 18!! HERE is a satellite PHOTO of the creepy HANGER!!

In MORE recent times The ROSWELL story was the BASIS of the film Close ENCOUNTERS of the Forth KIND!!

More Information: Books ON Roswell!!, DVD's ON Roswell!!
ThEmIsFiTiShErE Solved Quotiant : 96.118%


Anonymous said...

I agree with the idea that the government was covering something up. Don't know if it was aliens though.

Anonymous said...

close ENCOUNTERS of the FORTH KIND is my FAVOURIT motion PICTURE! tHErefour uor theoRY kiCKS ASS! Go ThEmisFiTiShErE!

Anonymous said...

Misfit, I saw a Discovery Channel documentary on this today! Most of your points are in fact, correct!

Anonymous said...

great work Misfit. I believe in Roswell as well

Anonymous said...

That's crazy. That happened right on my birthday. I'm kind of partial to the government had an advanced breaktrhough in tech of some kind, one they didn;t want Soviets to know about, so they stuck with an alien cover-up thing, but it could be anything.

Anonymous said...

ok its very good info, but for future blogs, plz dont end every sentence with 2 !! its anoying some of the sentences dont need to be shouted like, they found something shinny!!. just telling u this. thanks:Alex

Anonymous said...

dont you think jesse marcell looks like the fake henrey gale?
AlIeNs On LoSt!!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, beast, i was just about to say that...

Anonymous said...

I think there are no such things as aliens. I think its US visiting us. Freaky 'ol hideous human beings evolved that way from when we blow ourselves up with our assinine WMD's & petty wars. They're from the far distant future of planet Earth. They travel back in time to check out their ancestors ---------->>>> US.

We are alone in this freakin' universe.
A - L - O - N - E

Anonymous said...

Did you guys know that we are all from mars? Long time ago a meteorite crashed the surfice of mars and blew away alot of things including rocks witch contained earthlike cells.. result: the rock landed earth (its prooved that some cells can take very high and low temperatures and when its getting at proper temperature the cells start living) and the cells started multiply and after a long evolution humans were born.. We can never know that how the cells ended up in mars...

Another possibility is that Mars had a atmosphere like earth nowadays and it had living life on surfice (but not creatures like humans cos we cant see any buildings and other stuff that can be seen). Then the sun was hotter and mars was almost just like earth is now and earth was like venus is now (hot surfice, thick atmosphere).

Its possible that earth is going to end up like mars (its atmosphere disappears and days and nights come very hot and very cold). AND its also possible that venus is going to end up like earth-> its atmosphere gets thinner and some cells from earth may end up there. When that happens sun is maby colder and doesnt burn venus. IF this is possible, humans could have another place to live after earth..

The truth teller: CubbiC