Friday, August 11, 2006

UFO Photo of the Day!!


Anonymous said...

It seems that the aliens are returning to one of their earthly domains! Or is that just the sun! Those aliens are tricky!

Anonymous said...

we call them weather Baloons

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous above.... First it is a ballon not baloons, Secondly, if you call that a weather ballon then it is safe to assume that you have never worked with or near a weather ballon. Weather ballons are nothing like that.Please attempt to get your facts straight next time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This alien craft is obviously in a landing maneuver of some sort - and notice how those mysterious formations on the ground resemble those found here on Earth in Egypt. This undoubtedly PROVES that aliens have visited our not-so-lonely planet. I wonder if they abducted anyone on this particular trip?

ThEmIsFiTiShErE said...

Yes this IS a ver STRANGE ufo!! It is more CIRCLE than Oval!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, the little man walking, sure looks like ET!

ThEmIsFiTiShErE said...

Yes HE does!!

Anonymous said...

This is not a ufo but an orb that can be caught on many camera's once again the virus points out how wrong you are