In my PREVIOUS post about the FACE of mars that was built by the Egyption slaves THIS will examine THE other buildings that WERE found on Mars!! This photo is the ORIGNAL taken by the human spacecraft!!
You can CLEARLY see some other buildings THAT we will now look at IN More detail!!
These CLEARLY show man or alien made Buildings!!
Lets LOOK again at the BIG pictures to SEE where all these objects are in relation TO each other!!
When WE compare these monuments AND Pyramids with THOSE of the ones in EGYPT we find they are both RELATED!!
Also WHEN we link up the MONUMENTS we see that a very SURPRISING pattern emerge!! This is THE Fibonacci Spiral that is well KNOWN in matheymatics!!
Now LOOK what happens when I join UP the dots!! This is PROOF that they were built by Egyption Mathematicians!!
There ARE 2 more things THAT I think proove this as well. The image BELOW is from the Martian surface and this IS followed by WHAT I believe the object was before it was buried BY evil aliens with SAND!!
Finally the biggest PROOF yet!! One of the Martian rovers captured THIS image whilst it was rolling around Merrily on the Martian roads.!! You can clearly see that this is a HAND of one of the Alien Pyramid project managers who obviously suffered AN accident!!
More Information: Books about the Monument of MARS!!
ThEmIsFiTiShErE Solved Quotiant : 92.922%
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Monument of MARS!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
The NASCAR Lines finally REVEALED!!
The Nascar Lines are gigantic geoglyphs located in the Nascar Desert in PERU!! They were CREATED by the Nascar CULTURE between 200 BC and 600 AD!!The Nazca lines cannot be recognized as coherent FIGURES except from the AIR in a spqceship!! This PROVES that they were BUILT by Alien Helpers so THAT they knew where THEY had lets there CRAZY alien pets!! LETS look at some of these CRAZY images!!
This IMAGE shows from SPACE how straight the LINES are!! They LOOK like a landing STRIP for the Aliens!!
This NEXT iamge was taken in COLOUR and from and even HIGHER space craft!! You can see how LONG and how big they are!!
When WE get closer we can see some IMAGES!! This one IS clearly an Alien PEACOCK as you can see it's feathers!!
This IMAGE is a TARGET for the aliens to practise their shooting WITH!!
Here we SEE a pciture of a Daffodil!!
Here is a MOUSE with some forks Attached to his TAIL for some reason!!
This IS a cheeky Monkey that is LOOKING for nuts!! The aliens seem to have DONE some genetic tampering with HIS tail!!
This photo SHOWS a very creepy crawly SPIDER!!
Here WE have a picture OF one of the ALIENS waving GOODBYE and HELLO to the departing Alien spaceships!!
Here IS a close up of the ALIEN runway!!
Here is a CRAZY alien hummingbird!!
I think THESE prove without a shadow of doubt that THESE have to have been made by aliens FROM their spacecraft!!
More Information: Books about the Nascar Lines!!
ThEmIsFiTiShErE Solved Quotiant : 98.111%
Posted by ThEmIsFiTiShErE at 2:37 PM 19 comments
Labels: aliens, ancient, nazca lines, solved, ufo, unsolved mysteries

Monday, January 01, 2007
The Marie CELESTE Mystery!! - Killed by BOOZE!!
One the greatest LEGENDS of the sea is the mystery of the Marie Celeste which was discovered at sea deserted with the MASTER and 7 crew all vanished into THIN air.
On November 8, 1972, under the command of Captain Benjamin Broggs, the SHIP picked up a cargo OF industrial alcohol and set sail for Genoa, Austria!! In addition to the crew of fourteen, she carried two passengers: the Captain's wife, Sarah E. Briggs , and two-year-old daughter, Sarah Matilda.On December 4, 1972 the Marie Celeste was SIGHTED by the Die Gratian, captained by a Colonel Moorhouse, who knew Captain Broggs. No one was ON board!!
None of the Marie Celestes CREW or passengers were ever found!! Their fate may never be known, and rumors abound UNTIL NOW!! I have solved this puzzle and I think there is NOT doubt about it any more!!
I think It is VERY clear to me that CAPT BROGGS had never hauled such a CARGO and did not UNDERSTAND it. 7 barrels leaking would cause a build up of vapor in the HOLD!! I suspect that ONE of HIS naughty CREW members went down to the HOLD for an illicit drink!! When he did there WAS a violent rush of fumes and then STEAM!!
Poor Colonel Broggs believed the ship was about to EXPLODE and put eveyone INTO a lifesaving BOAT!! In his DRUNKEN haste, he failed to properly secure the lifeboat to the SHIP with a strong ROPE!! The wind picked up and MARIE Celeste away. The PEOPLE in the lifeboat drowned or drifted out to sea to die of hunger, thirst and sleep DEPREVATION!!
I think THIS finally lays to REST the first of the mYSTERIES that I will be solving!!
More Information: Mary Celeste Books!!
ThEmIsFiTiShErE Solved Quotiant : 98.643%